Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 Young Quilters, I Can Hope!

The most terrifying moments of helping grandkids start to sew is when their little fingers get really close to the machine needle.  

I'm really hoping that the stern (grandma's face looks like the wicked witch) warning about where fingers go, and where they do not!

Before the needles came the rotary cutter, I'm just not ready for that yet.  I did the cutting, and we practiced seam allowances.  Of course, part of quilting is pressing and those iron's are pretty hot.
We did suffer one burn, broke my heart.  We did try rolling the seams flat first.

After a few more lessons, trials and errors, the grandkids were off and running.  Sewing like a boss.  At some point, early in the game, seam allowances were "just a suggestions".  I let them run amuck, they were on a mission.

As most quilters know, there's a lot of intense "study" in the actual sewing part of a quilt.  These fine ladies worked hard and then needed a little break, it's exhausting.

Blessed are those who use their talents and efforts to produce beauty.
